VIRTUAL Parent/Carer Online Safety Information Session: Wednesday 31st January 2024 9.30am – 10.15am
Please find below the link to access the parent/carer session scheduled for Wednesday 31st January 2024 – 9.30am – 10.15am. This session is a repeat session (last delivered October 2023) so if you attended that session, then you don’t need to attend again.
Attendees do not need to register, they simply click on the link at the above time to access the session. Cameras and voice/audio will be switched off for all attendees. Attendees can ask questions by typing in the Q&A box, but this will be explained during the session.
The event will be streamed using Teams. Attendees can watch the live event in:
· Teams app—desktop (Windows or Mac) or mobile. (The Teams app is free to download if attendees would like to do that beforehand).
· If they don’t have Teams they can access it via one of the following browsers – Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox.