At Alt Bridge School, we understand the value and importance of residential visits. They provide students with the opportunity to develop their confidence, independence, social and personal skills.
Every trip is fully risk assessed and approved by the Local Authority Health and Safety team. Alt Bridge staff attend, and we provide a high staff to pupil ratio for every visit and plan an itinerary with each provider. Pre-visit meetings are held with parents and carers prior to the commencement of the trip.
As a Duke of Edinburgh accredited centre, we provide a variety of trips, visits and residentials which enable students from year 9 up to year 13 to achieve the requirements of each level of the award. Some of our students have achieved the Gold level award and have attended Buckingham Palace to be recognised for their achievements.
Summer of 2022 at The Palace with HRH Prince Edward!
Upcoming residentials for 2023-2024
25th-28th March 2024: Post-16 Duke Of Edinburgh residential visit to Bibby’s Farm – key contact would be Mr Wray
15th-19th April 2024: Years10-13 PGL five-day residential visit – key contact would be Mrs Rodgers
9th-11th July 2024: Year 9 residential visit to Bibby’s Farm in Chorley for Duke of Edinburgh – key contact would be Miss Dallas
Date TBC for Year 7/8 residential visit – parents asked to express interest now to school so arrangements can be made for the summer term to attend Lakeside in the Lake District. Key contact – Mr Randall.
All students across school are given the opportunity to participate in a residential visit.
Our recent experiences include:
Key Stage 3 |
Year 7&8: YMCA South Camp, on the shores of Lake Windermere, (2 nights) Year 9: PGL, Winmarleigh Hall, (2 nights) |
Key Stage 4&5 |
PGL, Boreatton Park, (4 nights) Year 10 – 13: Duke of Edinburgh residential (duration is dependent on award) |
Our students have found these experiences thoroughly rewarding, fulfilling and often thrive when given the opportunity to demonstrate their independence and abilities.
Links to providers should you like to know more:
The residential visits programme at Alt Bridge continues to go from strength to strength each year. For our younger pupils, we aim to provide a shorter trip which is more manageable and focused on team building activities and good fun outdoors.
Once pupils reach year 9, our trips are for three days and will also involve lots of activities designed to support our students with developing their independence, discovering their abilities and building on their resilience. We support our students to take measured risks, follow health and safety practices and try new things, sometimes which are out of their comfort zones but which are always approached supportively and positively.
In years 10 and over, we offer a week-long residential trip which provides an amazing opportunity for our students to really enhance their independence and support them in developing endurance, resilience and more mature social skills. There is always an emphasis on fun and enjoyment and a chance to try things that perhaps they might never have seen themselves doing. A sense of pride, close bonds with others and many happy memories always follow them back home at the end of the week.
2022-2023 trips
Year 7 and 8 residential to the Lake District 2023
Trip leader: Mr Randall
Provider: UK Military School
Students visited the YMCA at Lakeside which is a stunning venue on the shores of Lake Windermere in the Lake District.
The Residential combined the amazing location with a range of adventure activities and an organised programme of personal development arranged in partnership with the British Military School.
Year 9 residential to the Lake District 2023
Trip leader: Miss Dallas
Provider: Winmarleigh Hall, Preston
Students engaged in a range of fantastic activities including kayaking, climbing, fencing and canoeing. Many faced their fears on the high ropes and giant swings but everyone came back safe and well with many wonderful memories.
Year 10, 11 and post-16 residential to PGL 2023
Trip leader: Mrs Rodgers
Provider: PGL