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Annual Reviews

All students who attend Alt Bridge School have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which outlines their individual planned outcomes. The EHCPs are reviewed annually and school coordinate this process.

Our meetings are organised and run through a person-centred approach whereby we consider what is working for a young person, what may not be working, what a student’s needs are, any difficulties they may be experiencing and how we can help. The involvement of parents/carers, staff who know the individual best and the young person themselves is key to gathering information. This information then informs our provisions, unique offer of support and shorter term targets moving forward.

The views of subject teachers contribute to our annual review process through their assessments in relation to how students have demonstrated progresses towards their outcomes within lessons. This provides a detailed overview of how students are responding across the curriculum.

Assess-plan-do-review SEND cycle


We will continually identify the strengths and needs of students and their response to the support provided. We will use this information to inform effective planning and the design of appropriate provision.


We will use the assessment information that we gather to plan teaching approaches and the implementation of the curriculum. We will also plan any interventions or provisions necessary to overcome barriers.


We will implement the support planned and gain a greater understanding of how the student learns and develops holistically.


We will continually review pupil progress and how effective the support has been in enabling students to reach their targets and goals.


Tools we use to implement our assess-plan-do-review cycle

Our selected support plan format for all students is an Individual Education Plan. We use a range of assessment tools and resources which will inform our review of a student’s progress. The diagram below outlines the approach we take to planning specific targets for students, followed by an explanation of each layer.

EHCP outcomes

EHCP outcomes are long-term outcomes (3-5 years) based on progress desired for the end of a phase or key stage in education. The outcomes are agreed through the EHCP assessment proceed when plans are first written for students before they come to Alt Bridge.

Annual review targets

These are targets set during the annual review once information and advice has been gathered and used to determine what the annual review targets should be. The school chairs the EHCP review and co-produce targets through a person-centred approach. They should be achievable within 12 months and linked to the longer-term outcomes. In selecting targets which are right for the young person. Targets should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

IEP targets/goals

The IEP provides a planning tool which breaks the 12-month targets down further and sets out the provisions, adaptations and activities which support the student to achieve their annual review target. Many of the provisions that are recommended for the young person are outlined in their EHCP so it is important to use this information in formulating the IEP. The IEP will be reviewed regularly throughout the year and adjusted when necessary to reflect the current needs and provisions of the individual student.

Individual Education Plans

This year, Alt Bridge have begun using an online tool called Provision Map to create high-quality Individual Education Plans for every child. All students at Alt Bridge will have an IEP, created by their form teacher, in collaboration with key staff who know each child, parents, carers and students. These plans will be updated termly and discussed during parents evenings with form teachers.

Student profiles

Some students in school have a student profile which outlines their needs in relation to emotional self-regulation. The student profiles have been created by mapping them to our Zones of Regulation approach so we can fully understand what will help students to learn. Any example of a student profile is below;

We ask parents/carers to contribute suggestions and information to the profiles and the majority of information is provided by the young person themselves. It is important that they feel that this document reflects their needs and what helps. This is then shared with staff working with the student.

We are in the process of updating our profiles to include more information about triggers in each of the zones which will help staff to avoid situations that may trigger yellow or red zone feelings.

Staff roles

Each student has a form teacher who is responsible for holding and chairing annual review meetings.

Our EHCP clerk Mrs Silker organises all the paperwork associated with EHCPs and ensures that we meet key deadlines for the submission of review paperwork to the Local Authority SEND team.

Outside agencies

Outside agencies who may be working with the student may be invited to the annual review. We inform health and social care representatives of our review dates. Adult social care services are also invited to year 9 reviews to support with the eventual transition to adult services from year 10.

Knowsley SEND team

We work closely with the Knowlsey SEND team who can be contacted by calling 0151 443 5145. There are a team of SEND officer who oversee EHCPs and school placements within special schools. There are different SEND officers for each of the school year groups.

Support for parents/carers

Our staff are always happy to support our parents and carers with any queries in relation to the ECHP annual review process. If parents/carers need further support in relation to the EHCP process or are considering a change of placement, then Liverpool and Knowsley SENDIASS can provide more help.

Contact Liverpool & Knowsley SENDIASS on 0800 012 9066.

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