Report to Parents
Statement of Intent
Our overall key aim is to use pupil premium funding in order to help us to achieve and sustain positive outcomes for disadvantaged children. Our students face a variety of challenges and socio-economic disadvantage is one such challenge for a large proportion of our student population. When looking at data associated with pupils who are eligible for pupil premium, there can be indicators of variance in outcomes for academic attainment, progression, attendance and engagement.
Our approach is focused on enabling access to high-quality teaching whilst also meeting the needs of learners in terms of their social and emotional vulnerabilities as these vulnerabilities can significantly reduce access to the curriculum and the academic support available.
Whilst our strategy is to target disadvantaged students, the use of funding can support other students across school where money is allocated to the development of high quality teaching and learning, the provision of external expertise through structured programs and through working to maintain consistent social relationships.
We provide disadvantaged pupils with support to develop independent life and living skills, access to high quality work experience, careers guidance and a wide variety of enrichment options. A lot of work is done to ensure positive destinations whether students leave us in year 11 or from post-16. Preparation for a successful adult life is central not only to this strategy but to our whole school ethos.
Educational recovery is a key area of focus for us and is at the heart of our strategy for recovery premium which has directed support through academic mentors, IT access and additional programmes and interventions.
Our strategy is driven by our knowledge of the needs and strengths of each student which informs our programs, approaches and aims.