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SRE is a fundamental aspect of the Curriculum in promoting good mental health, self esteem and safety.

Lessons build on knowledge from previous years and are taught in a sensitive and age appropriate way using quality assured resources. We always start with what pupils know and are guided by regular advice and updates from the Government on subject delivery. 

Topics covered by all year groups include the protected characteristics , consent , healthy and unhealthy relationships and how and where to seek support. 

Themes for each year group are

  • Year 7 Bullying /peer pressure   
  • Year 8 Friendships / Family
  • Year 9 Equality and respecting difference
  • Year 10 Sex and Relationships
  • Year 11 Relationships and Independent living

Parents and carers have the right to request that they can withdraw their child from part of or all of our SRE statutory curriculum up to and until three terms before the student turns 16 years of age. Requests would need to be made for the attention of the Head teacher. Any parent or carer making this request will be invited into school for a meeting to discuss this.

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